Monday, April 4, 2011

Date Rape Statistics

                                                                  Statistics on Date Rape   
                             Somewhere in America, a women is raped every two minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. One in four women are victims of rape or attempted rape, 84 % of those women knew their attacker, 57 % of the rapes have happened while on dates. About 42 % of the victims told no one, 38 % of the women raped are between the ages of 14-17. 75 % of men and 55 % of the women involved in date rape had been drinking or taking drugs before the attack occured. 
                             Here are some statistics throughout the years of 1992 and 1996,  The National Crime Victimization Survey indicates that for 1992-1993, 92% of rapes were committed by known assailants.1 About half of all rapes and sexual assaults against women are committed by friends and acquaintances, and 26% are by intimate partners.1
Risk factors for perpetrating sexual violence include: early sexual experience (both forced and voluntary),6 adherence by men to sex role stereotyping,7,8 negative attitudes of men towards women,6,9,,10,11,12, alcohol consumption,8,13 acceptance of rape myths by men.8,9,12,14,15.
                             The Adult pregnancy rate associated with rape is estimated to be about 4.7 %, this information This information, in conjunction with estimates based on the U.S. Census, suggest that there may be 32,101 annual rape-related pregnancies among American women over the age of 18.17
Non-genital physical injuries occur in approximately 40% of completed rape cases.18 As many as 3% of all rape cases have non-genital injuries requiring overnight hospitalization.19
Victims of rape often manifest long-term symptoms of chronic headaches,18,20fatigue20, sleep disturbance20, recurrent nausea,20 decreased appetite,21 eating disorders,22 menstrual pain,18 sexual dysfunction,23 and suicide attempts.21 In a longitudinal study, sexual assault was found to increase the odds of substance abuse by a factor of 2.5.24.
                        Those are all the statistics that i have read about and wow i am shocked at a lot of it . how much pregnancies are involved, how much the person is associated to their attacker. Why they won't turn their attacker in. well i could understand some of them not wanting to turn their attacker in or not wanting to report the rape. Cause some may be threatened by their attacker that if they report it that they'll come after them and that kind of scares them away from reporting the case. it just makes me sick how cruel and sadistic people are in this world, it saddens me how much women have gone through in this sort of case. 


  1. This is so distrurbing and rapists are sick in te head :S

  2. yes they are it makes me sick when i hear about this kind of stuff

  3. you r so sick if u rilly r a rapist

  4. "57 % of the rapes have happened while on dates"

    Can you provide a link to a source for this statistic as it doesn't seem right.

  5. Above article is really helpful for rape victims.Thanks for sharing valuable information about rape victims.
    donation for rape victims
